About Me | Charlotte Ashley


The Basic Overview:

My name is Charlotte Ashley, a 19-year-old Publishing and Journalism student at Oxford Brookes University with a passion for spilling my thoughts out in word form. I have grown up with a desire to write about everything with such sophistication and professionalism; from such a young age I have had a love for words, reading dictionaries at the age of 2 was my speciality.

I studied English Literature, Media Studies and History at A-Level and did surprisngly well considering I was the year group where exams got cancelled due to COVID. My home town isn't too far from Oxford, in Buckinghamshire and I've lived there all my life with my mum, dad and brother; I work part time as a waitress both in Oxford and at home when it's not term-time.

My Hobbies:

I also have conducted my own blog which is a major hobby of mine My Blog

Achievements Regarding Writing:

Why have I chosen the topic of typography in print media?

My favourite type of media is print: magazines, newspapers, books; therefore I found it to only make sense that I create a blog in which analyses what I enjoy best.

My Favourite Books:

These three books in particular stand out to me as good reads, I read 'The Great Gatsby' as an A-Level case study and the other two out of leisure. Which I found all three gripping and easy to analyse and understand.

Girl on Train
Great Gatsby
How Hard Can Love Be?

Love From Charlotte x